Montag, 27. Juni 2011

Hattrick is down again

Hattrick ist wieder mal Offline. Es ist schon bald ein regelmässig wiederkehrendes Übel geworden das die site offline ist. Schon im April und Mai war die Seite Ziel einer massiven DDos Attacke. Und auch sonst kam es immer wieder zu kleinen Unterbrüchen.
Hier ist die Message die sie auf der Offline Site haben:

Hattrick and Hattrick Open are down. Our main disk array has crashed because of a human error. We need to restore the disks from back-up. This will take most of the day due to the large volume of data. We feel confident that we will be back on-line by 22:00 HT time. We apologise for the inconvenience.
 Also please note that all CHPP apps are down as a result of this down time.
Update 17:40 HT Time : The restore is done and we are now checking for inconsistencies, which can take a while still. If all is well, the back up we were able to use was from minutes before the site went down.
Transfer deadlines during this stop will be extended, as usual.
Was ich nicht verstehe ist, warum sie immernoch auf die Seite verweisen auf dieser Offline Page. Seit Alltid mit der Hattrick Datenbank gefüttert wird macht es keinen Sinn mehr da sie ja auch offline ist.
Und ich frage mich ob es wirklich so schwierig ist den Service Redundant oder wenigstens schnell wieder einsetzbar zu machen ist?
Naja ich hoffe die Seite ist bald wieder online.

And now English:

Hattrick is down again.It has become a frequent habit that the site ist offline. In April and May the site was target of an DDos attack and was therefore offlline. And there were several shorter offline events. Currently they say the following on their site:
Hattrick and Hattrick Open are down. Our main disk array has crashed because of a human error. We need to restore the disks from back-up. This will take most of the day due to the large volume of data. We feel confident that we will be back on-line by 22:00 HT time. We apologise for the inconvenience.
 Also please note that all CHPP apps are down as a result of this down time.
Update 17:40 HT Time : The restore is done and we are now checking for inconsistencies, which can take a while still. If all is well, the back up we were able to use was from minutes before the site went down.
Transfer deadlines during this stop will be extended, as usual.

Why they are still refering to on the offline site is beyond my comprehention, since they are fed by the same database.
And I wonder why they can't make the service redundant? Hopefully they are back soon!

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